Euchlanis lyra: dorsoventral view; a species that occurs in lotic waters. Focal plane on the shape of the ventral plate of the lorica (edge marked by arrowheads), which is different from the one of Euchlanis deflexa or Euchlanis dilatata (2). |
Euchlanis lyra: ventral view; this specimen has been photographed with the foot orientated to the left side so that the posterior rim of the lorica is visible. In contrast to E. dilatata the posterior rim of the dorsal plate of the lorica is only slightly notched (arrowhead). (1) |
Euchlanis lyra: detail of the posterior part of the dorsal lorica of a semi-macerated specimen (the rim of the lorica with the notch is visible). The arrows point to the openings of the lateral antennae, whereas the arrowheads mark the bases the so-called supra-anal sensory organ (Remane).(2) |
Euchlanis lyra: two images of a specimen from (3). Upper image: diatoms in the intestinum. Lower image: compressed specimen showing different species of diatoms (for example:Diatoma sp. (arrowhead), Aulacoseira granulata (arrow)) that have been ingested. |
Euchlanis lyra: malleate trophi of female specimen. The males do not have trophi (see image below). (1) |
Euchlanis lyra: the arrowheads point to the small dents at the tips of the rami, a trait that is in contrast to Euchlanis deflexa (1) |
Euchlanis lyra: male specimen. While in many monogonont rotifers the sexual dimorphism (size; shape, digestive system, mastax) between males and females is very pronounced, the males of genus Euchlanis have similar size and similar shape like the females, but also lack the mastax. Also like many other monogonont males (another example is Epiphanes senta) a compartment of birefringent bodies in the vicinity of the sexual organs can be observed (out of focus in this image, arrow). Sp: sperm cells. (4) |
Euchlanis lyra: specimen from (5) |
Location (1): Wetter, NRW, Germany ; Elbschebach (creek); |
Habitat (1): between algae (Cladophora sp.) and diatoms on stones (1). (click image to enlarge >>>). Together with Proales theodora |
Date: 26.04.2021 |
Location (2): Gevelsberg, NRW, Germany, Stefansbach (creek) |
Habitat (1): between algae (Cladophora sp.) and diatoms on stones (1). (click image to enlarge >>>). |
Date: 03.05.2021 |
Location (4): Stang-Alar; Botanical Garden, Brest; Brittany, France |
Habitat: detritus/ psammon in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date: 28.08.2021 |
Location (5): nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; Mummertgraben, footpath, puddle |
Habitat (5):between algae |
Date (5): 15.05.2023 |